Spiffy Mitt

4.6 ( 4896 ratings )
效率 娱乐
开发 Thomas Castonzo
0.99 USD

Hours of fun and enjoyment await you and your friends with Spiffy Mitt, the politically-satirical dress up doll!

Have you ever wished that you could be a political cartoonist, political humorist, political satirist, political caricature artist or political fashionista?

Now you can be all five!

Spiffy Mitt makes it fun and easy to publish your own unique and funny political satire column. Make your own politically-satirical creation and share it with your friends!

Spiffy Mitt comes with his own clothes drawers packed with tons of shirts, pants, shoes, hats and fun accessories to keep you creating your own original "Spiffy Mitt" that will keep you and your friends laughing for days!

Dress up Spiffy Mitt your way, and give him something to say and then send him to your friends! - Hey lets all play Spiffy Mitt!


- 100% original, full-color, hi-resolution artwork drawn by professional political satirists.

- Easy and fast to use.

- Several funny facial expressions to choose from.

- All elements can be dragged and re-sized for even more satirical possibilities!

- Share your creation via Twitter.

- Share your creation via Email.

- Save your creation to your Photo Library.

- Click on the dice to get a random collection of articles from Spiffy Mitts clothes drawers to keep you laughing for days!